Become a LOTTOCARD Agent !

With lotto gaming currently on the rise in Nigeria, cutting across almost all age groups and other demographics, we at CELLCORE Ltd. have simply created a platform that provides an opportunity for regular, everyday people to take advantage of this upsurge and even be positioned to do more in lotto gaming, services and PIN based access products. By becoming merchants of our UNIVERSAL PINs you automatically become a go to person for PINs supported by a wide range of products, services and Gift Cards. Register now and get great margins. Build or expand your business repertoire.


UNIVERSAL, a product of CELLCORE Ltd, is an electronic Logical PIN that can be used to play lotto games on the platform of select lotto game service providers across Nigeria, but also acceptable and usable on other non-lotto related platforms. Its easy to acquire and easy to dispense.


1) Get Great Discounts: Registered agents get an attractive 10% discount on purchases from N5,000,000 and above and 5% for purchases below N5,000,000. .

2) PIN Security: UNIVERSAL PINs enjoy state of the art security protocols and are only viewable upon print out, thereby ensuring its safety from cloning or copying and securing our agents' investment.

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